Philippe Malagoli

Philippe Malagoli


Philippe Malagoli

Doctor of Philosophy (INA-PG),

Lecturer, accreditation to supervise research in Plant Ecophysiology.

Fields. Plant Physiology & Ecophysiology, Functional Ecology, Agro-ecology, Agronomy.

 Team. Micro-Environment & Trees (MEA).

Research interest. Response of mono- and multi-species plant cover functioning to soil mineral nitrogen availability. More precisely, I am interested in studying the variation of nitrogen fluxes from the root to canopy scale in mono- and multi-specific canopies in relation to abiotic (access to soil resources and light, temperature) and biotic (plant-plant interactions) constraints.

Methodology. Back and forth between experimentation (15N labelling) and modelling.

Contexts. Regeneration of oak forest, fertilization in rubber plantations, technical management of apple trees.

Collaborations. Cirad, French Rubber Board, INRAE, IRD, ONF.

Keywords. Mineral nutrition, root N uptake, in planta nitrogen management, soil-plant interface, plant-plant interaction, environmental gradients, modelling, field crops, trees, multi-species canopy.

Modification date : 29 August 2023 | Publication date : 01 April 2020 | Redactor : D.Marcon