Entête Agreenskills
About AgreenSkills

About AgreenSkills

AgreenSkills is an international mobility programme co-funded by the European Commission in the frame of the COFUND - FP7 People Programme coordinated by INRA in cooperation with Agreenium.

Pathways for inventive researchers...

AgreenSkills is an international incoming-outgoing mobility programme designed to increase the research potential and career prospective of inventive, promising and experienced young researchers from all disciplines to better respond to the current and future challenges in the fields ofagriculture,food, nutrition, environment, animal health and veterinary public health. Disciplinary or multidisciplinary projects developed within AgreenSkills will contribute directly or indirectly to the scientific objectives of the Agreenium members and the European Commission.

AgreenSkills is open to experienced young researchers holding a PhD -by mobility start date- and having a maximum of ten years research experience after Master's degree (i.e. the title giving access to PhD).

AgreenSkills welcomes fellows incomingto Agreenium institutions' receiving laboratories and outgoing from these same organisations without discrimination in terms of nationality, gender or career breaks. Researchers will freely propose their topics, construct their research projects and identify the laboratories they wish to work, assisted, if necessary, by the AgreenSkills management team.

AgreenSkills do not only provide researchers with international experience and very attractive salaries (almost 60 % over and above French state salaries for young researchers) but also is designed to allow fellows to boost or diversify the next part of their career, be it scientific or non-scientific, within the public and private sector.

AgreenSkills is coordinated by INRA, the National Institute for Agricultural Research of France and Agreenium. The programme is cofunded by the FP7: People Marie-Curie action COFUND. AgreenSkills is compliant with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and the European Charter for Researchers and the ethical procedures and regulations of the European Commission.

 The joint research unit "Integrative Physics and Physiology of Fruit and Forest Trees", UMR PIAF, between Blaise Pascal University and INRA was a AgreenSkills awarded campus. Two post-doctoral fellowships incoming (Katline Charra-Vaskou and Carmen Mellisho Sallas) are in progress within the UMR PIAF and a post-doctoral fellowship outgoing has been awarded to a former doctoral student of PIAF and BIOGECO (Jean-Baptiste Lamy).


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Type of fellow

Expected duration

Hosting Unit

Title of Research Project

Carmen DianaMellisho Salas



Integrated Physic and Physiology of Fruit and Forest Trees (UMR PIAF)

Mechanisms of oak decline in temperate forests


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Type of fellow

Expected duration

Hosting Unit

Title of Research Project




Faculty of Forestry,          University of British Columbia

How to mine natural adaptation of oaks populations to mitigate impacts of climate change


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Type of fellow

Expected duration

Hosting Unit

Title of Research Project

Katline  Charra-Vaskou



Integrated Physic and Physiologyof Fruit and Forest Trees (UMR PIAF)

Acoustic detection of   freezing damage in trees

 AgreenSkills page : http://fellows.agreenskills.eu/fellows/katline-charra-vaskou/ 

Modification date: 25 May 2023 | Publication date: 24 February 2014 | By: Dones - Frizot - Marcon